
Thursday, September 21, 2006


Vu dass mir souvill Fotoen hun, hun mir ons gesot mir setzen all Geschicht an 2 Sproochen op de Blog fir dass mir mei Fotoen kreien;)
Vu dass vill Leit leiwer op Letzebuergesch liesen hun mir ons Geschichten vum Laos op Englesch and eemol op Letz geschriwwen, net dass dir mengt mir wiren um repeat Knepchen haenken bliwwen. Sot eis wat der leiwer hudd oder op dir total am Kabes sid elo. Kabes an Bufftek as iwwregens wat mir di lescht 3 Deeg als Kaffi moies kruten... lecker.


At 7:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like we found our new beat generation: on the road and writing crazy stories... I liked the one with the pig, hope it tasted ok!
By the way, it's NOT raining, we've got sunshine, 24° and no mudslides, just the odd murder every few weeks...

At 11:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you not writing in English so we won't know you are laughing at stu? Like it!

At 8:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just love your english version - feeling back to school :)

At 7:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do like both versions, english and luxemburgish, as there are some little details that differ...
I hope you're getting used to that wonderful food they're serving there :-)
By the way, sunshine is gone in Luxembourg, rain all day, and mud everywhere, but i still can see my shoes ;-)

At 4:19 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is anybody think same about it? Can we disscuse this?


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