As pictured below,at the barber's, our next destination was Singapore. Although, this isn't the image most people would recognise of this city, which I thought was like a working version of London. Everthing is clean, there is almost no crime, people are really friendly and it has a big mix of cultures. It might not be the most democratic, but there is no litter and you get lashes for acts of vandalism-jolly good show if you ask me. We also met two nice Australian farmers from Orange called Helen and Hedley. They have invited us to their farm next year where they say it SNOWS (Hurrah for cold weather). Whilst there we we also sneaked ourselves into a private cricket club for a nice cold Bitter Lemon and Ginger Ale-who said colonianism was a bad thing?(As you may be able to tell, Stuart wrote this posting.) Well, Tally Ho,must go, and chins up to all in Blighty.
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