Rule 1:If you book a tour from home to visit Asia you are merely a
Tourist on
Holiday. However, if you buy a Lonely Planet and buy tours from your guesthouse you a
Traveller on a
Trip (possibly for self-discovery).
Rule 2: A really poor person is more
real than an ordinary poor person.
Rule 3: The same goes for countries -
really poor countries are always more
beautiful and amazing (you do not need to compare or give examples).
Rule 4: If you happened to enjoy a developed country more than a less developed one, you should keep that to yourself like the dirty little secret that it is.
Rule 5: If you used travel companies to take you from one hotel to next in a less developed country, and you are asked if it is easy to travel there-you should raise your eyebrows and say "Well, it was for me, but not everyone can handle it'.
Rule 6: Look horrified if are asked if you travelled with other tourists.
They were not Tourists, they were Travellers!Rule 7: If you meet someone who doesn't agree with you likening your visit to a poor country with discovering the Lost City of Atlantis, just look at them as if they just don't get it. They are obviously a
Tourist and not a
Traveller like you.
Rule 8: When applying for a VISA to entry a country, erase from your memory the fact that you have to apply for a
Tourist VISA and tick the box which says
Rule 9: If you go to Starbucks for a Caffe Latte Frappe for breakfast instead of rice noodle soup (as everybody secretly does at least once and again) DO NOT mention it to anybody.
Rule 10: Always remember to write on your blog how you hate other
Tourists - I mean