"Margaret Thatcher, that *$&!&/# woman"
Martine and I have been really surprised at how friendly and helpful most people have been to us since we arrived in Argentina. Most folk just laugh along with us trying to speak Spanish and most importantly stay around to find out what we are asking. However for about five minutes we got an insight into what could be descrived as Argentina´s raw nerve. We had a guide nicknemed Otto after the bus driver in the Simpsons, who seemed to know everyone in the small town Sierra de la Ventanna that we visted last week, and had a good laugh with everyone he spoke to. However, when we were alone on the bus with him he showed us two tattoos on his arm. One was a copy of Maradona´s signature and the other was the Argentinian flag in the shape of an island, which I (Stuart) had to guess which island. After staring at it for a while and uhhmming and ahhmming I shouted "Ah, the Falklands!". This is roughly the reply I got:
Otto: Not the Falklands, the Malvinas, the Malvinas, not the Falklands. Margaret Thatcher that *$&!&/# woman and that %&/%*&% Galtieri. He sent young men in the cold to fight, I tell you that %&$%&"/. That is what is wrong with this country-POLITICIANS. They have ruined this great country and that &%$/&%$ woman. I tell you that &%(/%$& woman...
Stuart: So, Maradona, great player!
Otto: You like?
And with that we were back to normal. He even drove us around town to find a pub to watch Italy v Scotland (which we luckily didn´t find).
LOL. Literally!
You _so_ should have said something like this:
"So, Maradona, eh? Great player, but don't you reckon he's a drugged-up cheating w***er?"
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