
Friday, May 11, 2007

White water rafting

Yesterday Martine pursuaded me to go white water rafting here in Pucon, which turned out to be great fun, if a little bit scary at times. It was 5 degrees in and out of the water and raining, but as I fell into the river before I even got in the boat, it was clear that staying warm and dry would never have been an option anyway. The most difficult grade of water to raft on has a grade of 6 and we had grade 5 (perhaps to match the temperature). However, the the cold was the least of my problems (this is the part where you should start feeling sorry for me and saying Martine is so cruel for making me go rafting) as I now need dental work on my front tooth after my paddle struck me in the mouth. As you can see from the picture there is a gigantic chip missing and now somewhere at the bottom of a river. (For maximum effect this story should be read with the sound of a violin playing in the background)


At 2:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That photo of you and your tooth looks like the front cover of an Irvine Welsh novel.


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