Lima-The most secure break-in in the world

We arrived in Lima- in the new beepbeep city. Not beep as in the Santiago's sophisticated BIP card that you use for all public transport, but as in beeeeepbeeep-get out of my way, I am coming, in the middle of the street and you tuktuks better get away.Welcome back.
We stayed in Lima for a 3 days in a hostel voted the most secure hostel inthe world by users. We had two CCTV cameras outside our hostel as well as our room, a metal cupboard for padlocking, an electric gate and door for entering the hostel and electric wire up and around the building for a little extra security. This did put us in a slightly nervous state of mind when venturing out of our secure compound, however, we ended up really enjoying Lima and had some great seafood and saw some really interesting Inca sites and colonial buildings. As well as beautiful walk along the cliffs.
However, when we were getting ready to leave ´The World´s most secure hostel´we couldn´t unlock our combination padlock. We tried for 20 minutes when I said we would have to miss our 6 am flight (as our passports etc were inside) when Martine had the better idea of breaking into the locker. She quickly calculated the price of new air tickets compared to the price of a new locker. So, and with remarkable ease, I bent the door back on the metal locker without even disturbing the things sitting on top and retrieved our things. The whole thing was obviously caught on CCTV, just incase someone really wanted to break in.We left 30 dollars for the owner, who emailed us later to say we are welcome back, and caught our plane on time.
Please give us your thoughts if you think it´s still sounds like ´The World´s most secure hostel´if a primary school teacher can break into a locker without waking anyone or disturbing the furniture.
A primary school teacher from North Muirton though Stu.
heya there!
got to say that they have nicer rooms in turkey!!!!!
but probably not as save, i got my vacination card stolen... i wonder who would need that one!!!!
:)i love your blog and i love to read your stories and i'm always a bit sad that i'm stuck in luxembourg!!!
i miss you 2, keep on writing so we feel closer to you
hugs and kisses
check on myspace there are new pixs on:)
You can take the man out of Scotland...
And there I was thinking Martine was a civilising influence.
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